在现代化的军事冲突中,心理战术(Psychological Operations, PSYOPS)作为一种非暴力手段,越来越受到各国军队的重视。心理战术旨在通过影响敌方人员的认知、情感和行为来达到战略目的,其中一种常用的方法就是心理战术干扰策略。本文将探讨这一策略的含义、应用方式以及其在现代战争中的重要性。
The use of psychological operations (PSYOPS) in modern warfare has become increasingly sophisticated and effective. One key aspect of these operations is the implementation of psychological tactics that aim to disrupt an enemy's decision-making processes by creating confusion, fear, or doubt within their ranks. This article will explore how military conflicts are influenced through strategic manipulation of information and perception known as 'psychological disruption strategy'.